Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!


Let's get the important stuff out of the way first...Wanna know what I got for Christmas?!

1.  A great pair of quality (as in REAL) hiking/backpacking boots!
2.  A 21st Century backpack to replace my 1988 external frame backpack...nice!
3.  A Blue Ray DVD player! Sweet...

Of course, I received other nice gifts and cards, but I don't want to sound like I'm spoiled.

Where did the time go!?  I say this every January. (and sometimes on my Birthdays) The New Year allows for a change of course, the setting of new goals and often brings a renewed optimism and outlook for the immediate future.  Like many of you, I have jotted down a few goals and "resolutions" that I hope I will achieve in the coming year.  I wont bore you with them.

I am looking forward to some great backpacking trips, a long and relaxing summer vacation with my family and a few good photographic opportunities.  I recently dusted off an almost new Yashica TLR camera (shown above) that I purchased 25 years ago.  I will be going retro, using that camera (and hopefully remembering some equally old photography skills/techniques) to capture some street scenes and portraits this year.  If I get a few decent shots, you will be sure to see them here.

My daughter Veronica will be turning 16 in June.  That means Drivers Training, a cell phone (I promised her she could have one/pay her way when she was 16...I should have said 20) and the prospect of a part time job!  It promises to be a milestone year for her.  Exciting (for her) and worrisome! (for me)

I am going to attempt a "Blog-cast" of sorts, making my next "Blog post" simply a click-able link that will open (or you can download it) a recorded Blog post vs. the printed word.  I will still post the old fashioned way, but thought it might be interesting to throw a few Insights at you with my own voice!  I am hoping to blog a minimum of twice a month, with a goal of once a week.  We will see.

Look for a new "Permanent Page" that will be titled "Camping and Backpacking" that will chronicle just what the title implies!

I wish everyone good health, success, and a few adventures and memorable moments in this New Year!  To qoute an 80's Pop band, (ABBA) "Happy New Year, Happy New Year, may we all have have our hopes...our will to try...".

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